【同义词辨析】 2018-01-17 提出propose-pose

propose: fundmentally implies an invitation to consider, discuss, settle or agree on some clearly stated question or proposition: ~ marriage; ~ a solution; or an offering of someone as a candidate: ~ his collegue for atterney general. (解释用自身名词proposition少见)

propound: implies the stating of a question or proposition for discussion usu. WITHOUT personal bias and without any attempt to prove OR disprove on the part of the propounder: ~ the thesis that all great music is inspried.

pose: very close to propound, is likely to imply NO attempt will be made to seek an immediate answer: ~ a question for your consideration.

propose: 可表示提议,即邀请考虑问题或建议(question or proposition),或推荐人选(candidate),propound: 也是提议,但表示无个人偏见支持反对,pose: 进一步表示不要求马上回复


         2) 词根记忆,根据【词根系列】介绍,回答:


        b) POS是第173个词根,意思是____。

        答案:   a) before, in front of  在...前方

                 b)to put, place      放置

        3)提出的意思是给出供考虑mean to set before the mind for consideration.